Di seguito viene proposta un’attività didattica basata sull’ascolto guidato del video “Journey to the Stars” con Neil DeGrasse Tyson e Whoopi Goldberg. L’attività può essere realizzata nelle classi in cui sono attivi dei percorsi CLIL di Scienze della Terra in lingua inglese.
Journey to the Stars
1. We live on a planet powered by a _____________________.
2. Our galaxy is called the ______________________________.
3. Before any stars formed, there was only an invisible substance called “dark matter”, as well as _________________ and __________________ gas.
4. Once stars run out of fuel, they blow up in giant explosions known as _____________________.
5. Our bodies contain about ___________________________ worth of material created by supernovas 13 billion years ago.
6. Bright stars are bright because they are _______________ and _________________.
7. The most massive stars are colored _______________________.
8. Only ________ % of stars end their lives as supernovas.
9. The outer layers of the Sun’s atmosphere is called the _____________________, and escapes from the Sun as a “solar wind”.
10. Hydrogen smashes together to form Helium in a process called ________________________, which creates the energy that makes a star shine.
11. Earth’s magnetic field protects it from solar wind, creating lights at the poles known as ___________________________.
12. At the ends of their lives, almost all stars will evolve into ______________________________.
13. A Brown Dwarf isn’t massive enough to fuse _____________________ like a full-sized star.
Post-video questions:
14. What will the eventual fate of our Sun be?
15. What kinds of stars might our Sun eventually turn into?